Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 65...I love these kids!!!

This has been a wonderfully busy day. To start the day I went to Ingili center to take pictures of the building that is under construction. When I first came here, the building was just in the beginning stages. Now, they are almost complete! The building looks great. It will be for middle school children as the grades progress.

When I was done with the pictures, Paul and I went to purchase juice, water and sweets for the upcoming event this Saturday. We waited at the shop while the order was on its way. Then, we dropped it off at Vipingo. The children were on break while I arrived. This gave me a good chance to play with them for a while. There is this girl named Mwanamisi. She is mostly deaf.
However, I am amazed at how well she communicates. She is such a smart girl. Today she took my arm, held it out and walked her fingers up my arm. I was wondering what she was doing. Then she took me by surprise when her fingers went all the way up my arm, she went to tickle me. It was the sweetest thing! So, I did it back to her and some of the other kids. She also showed me a game that is similar to hop scotch. Then she took me by her classroom. I greeted the teachers as we went for lunch.

On my way home I stopped at the Tumaini orphanage. The children were all in school when I arrived. I spent time with baby Michelle and Lillian until the children came out to play. I am amazed at how well the staff know the children there. They treat the children so good. They know everything about the child the way a mother knows her own child.

The Tumaini Orphanage always has visitors. There are helpers that come from all over the world. I see new visitors almost every time I go there. It is wonderful to see not only how much the visitors bless the children, but also vice versa. The kids brighten up the minds of all the visitors. They are always so happy to see new people coming in. The staff and children welcome everyone. The children are a great example. They all come from a challenging and rough background. They have no family; however, it is easy to see their grateful hearts for the people that are in their lives. They love each other, the workers and the visitors. They are happy regardless of their challenging backgrounds.

The children are bright lights and reminders of how to live life to the full.
ROSIE! These are the shoes you bought for Amina! She was so happy to receive them! She was showing them off to her teachers and other classmates. It was the sweetest thing!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for doing that Kristin!!! They look wonderful!! Its awesome to see a picture of her. Give her a big squeeze for me! Miss you bunches! Can't wait to see you!
