Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You know, years ago I had a thought that many people have… if I give Christ control in my life, it will be boring, or their will be things He wants me to give up that I don’t want to give up and I’m not willing to do that, or maybe it will hurt me somehow. Looking back, 3 and a half years ago I made a choice to entrust my life to Him, to surrender it to Him and give up those things that I was previously unwilling.

He did ask me to give up a lot of things, some of them were painful, some were uncomfortable… but, God is God and He knows a path way better than I do. He’s replaced anything I ‘gave up’ with something WAY better!!!! Seriously – it’s just incredible! I’ve seen Him guide every step of the path, it’s an awesome journey, anything but boring. He’s brought me through things that have broken my heart.. but in the end shaped it and gave it purpose which has been totally priceless. He’s blessed me abundantly with a life that has been adventuresome, beautiful, healing, and creative in ways that I could have never fashioned myself. He’s writing the story. A story that I love. He shocks me, surprises me, amazes me, fills me through the good and the bad… I’ve learned to thank Him in the highs and in the lows – He deserves my praises – circumstance is irrelevant.

If you’re ever wondering, as I have so many times – “Should I really give Him full control – even in ‘that’ area ... what if this and what if that?” Please, without question, without hesitation, with a fully willing heart… Just dive in! Let Him control the results of what He’s asking you to do - even if it hurts... the end result is something you don't want to miss. God is just as much there when we say yes as when we say no – but His workings are fruitful, abundant, lasting when the answer is yes. Then we experience Him!

… I love Him. I thank Him. So many of you have been a part of the surprises, lessons, amazement and the workings God has done in my life - you've been part of me experiencing Him.

One of God’s great workings in my life was just here about one week ago. Jerry!!!!!!! He proposed within about 5 seconds of our first time seeing each other in about 5 months! We are planning a wedding here in Kenya on July 27th!! Sooo Exciting! I'm THRILLED to spend the rest of my life with such a wonderful man. Thank you, Thank you God!!

Most recently I’ve had the opportunity to work on a water project for a community that is suffering from the absence of clean water. We’re corresponding with Rotaries in the states and in Kenya to form a unity between the clubs to help bring a bore-hole (similar to a well) to this community so they can have access to good healthy water. I’m thanking God for the response of the Rotarians. So far, a Rotary club here in Kenya nearest the site location is willing to host the water project. They will help deal with the logistics. That commitment was needed for the Rotary clubs in the states to consider taking on this project. Currently Rotaries in the states are discussing the possibility of moving forward. One of the Rotary presidents said she wants to, “run with ball”! So that is really exciting news! Please pray that this progression keeps moving forward and quickly! You can see footage on the YouTube link below.

On Christmas day my fiancĂ© (I like being able to say fiancĂ©..haha) and I went to three of the schools! We took pictures of their Christmas party. The kids were so happy!! When we showed up to one of the centers, our friend Paul told Jerry that he informed the kids that a guest speaker was going to give them a Christmas story! Ha ha… it was funny… Jerry did not expect it, but gave a good story to a whole bunch of kids. While we were driving to the centers, I could not help but think about how many children we were passing in the villages that have no clue what Christmas is about. No Christ - No gifts – No celebration. It’s a sobering thought. But I love being able to see all the kids that would have never had that opportunity to have Christmas, having it because of supporters in America!!!

Much love to you...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
