Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 15

Today I was able to go to a center called Gospel. Bobby and Lisa started this center. Just like the others, it provides food for the children, education and spiritual guidance. I spent the day writing questions to ask staff and teachers. I’d like to hear their stories and bring them back to America. They will return the questionnaires to me when they are completed.

After visiting that center, I went to feed giraffes. They are so cute! In addition to the giraffes, I saw many other amazing animals at the zoo. The animals are all in their natural habitat.

Today I felt a bit uneasy because I don’t have a specific schedule set up. Though I have been very busy thus far…I don’t have a specific schedule and am used to a structured routine. So far, I know what this week and next will bring. The rest is in the planning process. I have an idea of what I’d like to do; however, it’s not set in stone because details have to be worked out. So, a little worry set in as I was pondering that today.

When I opened up my day 15 letter from my friends at University of Phoenix I found a note that stated encouragement for me. “The Israelites had been traveling through the desert wilderness to the land of promise… God had promised that he would guide them and provide for them. However, like many of us they became discouraged. If only they had trusted God’s promise that he who had led would continue to lead, if only they had believed that he who supplied would continue to supply, instead of being discouraged, they would have been encouraged. Discouragement turns to encouragement when we look away from our circumstances and focus our eyes on the Lord.”

This was very helpful to me. I know what my mission is here in Kenya. Though my plans are not laid out specifically, I can still trust that God will guide me through this journey if my eyes are looking up to Him. Since I committed my life to him a couple years ago, he has directed my life. I can continue to trust that he will do the same now. That quote is just what I needed today. How refreshing!

1 comment:

  1. A very timely letter again, hey? God's timing is impeccable!
