Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 31

Oh my! We had another fantastic day at camp today. The day started with music and church. During the music the teens dance to the rhythm. During service, they listened to an inspiring message about accomplishing good things for God if they allow God to use them. Bobby challenged them to start thinking about their future and what goals they would like to attain.

After service we had a short free time before lunch. When lunch ended we had teen and counselor time. The counselors and I acted out a skit for the girls to start a discussion on the dangers of taking things from strangers. The girls loved the skit. They reenacted it themselves and I hope the message stuck in their minds so that they do not trust a stranger that may bring harm into their lives. I hope this message was a good reminder for the girls. (To my dismay, there are problems here that I was unaware of. I just found out yesterday that many girls get pregnant at very young ages here. Some of them are as young as 11 years old. This is a huge problem).

One of the last games we played at the end of the day was a relay obstacle course. There were 2 teams with 20 players. They each had to jump rope a total of 10 times, and then they went to the next station to pick up a potato with a spoon and carried it on the spoon for about 100 feet. The next obstacle was climbing up the netted rope to reach the platform of the play set and then off to the monkey bars. Once they ran to their next station, they had to stick their head into a bucket of flower to find a piece of candy with their mouths and then they had to blow up two balloons until they popped. Each person collected a treat as they completed each obstacle. Whatever team ended up with the most pieces of candy won the game.

They loved the game! It was so funny looking at their faces covered in flower and trying to blow up balloons. I know that this entire camp meant the world to them. Everywhere I looked there were teens smiling, laughing and creating friendships.

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