Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 46 ~ Unforgettable

Oh my goodness! This day I will surely not forget. Seriously… I’m almost speechless! As I arrived home from a day well spent, I opened my email to a wonderful surprise. I was very taken back by this email. The news made me cry a few times and gave me so much joy. The email was from a friend named Ken.

Ken told me that a few weeks ago Debbie told him and others that I mentioned the children need mosquito netting. Once the word was out Ken and Debbie went into action with several others to raise funds. Ken’s company and many of the employees there put together a fundraiser. They had a luncheon for the community serving chicken, cheese, quesadillas, hotdogs, chips and soda. The event was advertised well. The advertisement drew people from all over the city to join this worthwhile cause. Some of my UOPX family came to the event too… Rich and Sandy. They raised a total of $500! Ken said that one person who did not even come to the fundraiser was kind enough to donate $100. I’m simply amazed to find this news out today!

I think of everyone back home working on this and I had no idea. What an incredible surprise! Debbie and Ken have been working with Denise to coordinate delivery of the money for the misquote nets to Kenya. I am still trying to figure out how Ken and Debbie connected with Denise. Debbie and Ken are friends of mine from University of Phoenix. Denise is the pastor’s wife at Fox River Christian Church. I’m so excited they connected!

My heart is so touched. I think of all the precious children that will be greatly blessed and will be able to sleep under protection from the mosquitoes. Honestly, it can save lives. Children get sick from malaria and some die.

To everyone that contributed to this cause….THANK YOU SO MUCH! This will mean the world to the children. They are blessed from your efforts and generosity.

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