Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 44

There is no optimistic way to view poverty; however, there is much optimism in seeing those that have the ability, giving hope to the individuals suffering from poverty. Hope for a better life, hope for a child’s future and a voice saying ‘I believe in you’ to those that are usually not heard…

Today Patricia and I went to Injili to take pictures of children that will potentially be enrolling in the school. The enrollment will start in January. There will be 35 children selected to start in KG1. The parents in the community hope for an opportunity for their child to be selected.

As I arrived today the teachers were unaware that I was coming to take pictures of these potential students. Pastor Allen met me at Injili. He told me that today might be a bad day to take these pictures because there was a feeding distribution happening elsewhere in the community and most families were there. However, previous to my arrival he told a couple parents that I would be there to take a picture of their child for possible enrollment. When I arrived there were only a couple children ready to take pictures. Nevertheless, the word spread quickly that I was there.

Though we thought not many would come, the gates of the school were open and children started pouring in with their parents by their side. We took paper and a marker to write each child’s name down. They held their name tag and posed for the picture. I had no idea how many children would come. At first we thought only a couple. By the time we stopped taking pictures, 144 children had their picture taken. They had to close the gates to stop the flow of children. There are many more children in the community that hope to get a chance to attend this school.

My heart is broken as I think of all the children’s faces that will not have the opportunity to attend. The parents will be disappointed and upset that their child was not selected. How do you choose which children will attend? This is a question that the leaders of the school are faced with. They would love to help all the children if they could. There will only be 35 that can come into school this year. There is only so much funding. There can only be 35 children in one class, otherwise the numbers get to large and the quality of education goes down.

Despite the heartache in the children that will be unselected, there is much joy in the ones that are. This is 35 lives that will be changed and impacted for the better. This is 35 children that will be given hope for a brighter future; 35 children that will be educated academically and spiritually and 35 children that will be able to have a full stomach, instead of an empty one.

Oh, if you could see the gratitude that gleams from the children and the parents…. Your heart would melt and your mind would be lifted high with joy.

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