Monday, September 6, 2010

2nd Month Update

This month has been very good!! I’ve had so many fun projects to work on that have kept me really busy! The projects have been for Operation Give Hope (OGH) and the Hope Foundation. Operating under these are a few centers that feed, educate and teach Biblical truth to children living in extreme poverty. It is my job to make OGH an official Kenyan foundation and help organize a sponsorship program and communication tools for OGH and the Hope Foundation.

This last month my time has been dedicated to designing logos, brochures, newsletters and a DVD. My hope is that God will use these tools to touch the hearts of people in America. And those that have a heart to help out in Africa will have an outlet to do that. I think it’s easy for sponsors to gladly and generously pay money to help children, without really think about what it’s actually doing. I know that through experience. Previously when I’d sponsored children before coming to Kenya, I was happy to pay for it, but I did not realize the full impact. Now that I’ve been to Africa I can see first hand just how much the kid’s lives are forever changed. My hope is to share that with fellow supporters.

My church back home, Fox River, is a perfect example of what GREAT things can happen when a church congregation puts their heart into a particular mission. I’m amazed and inspired through the example of so many people at Fox River that have their hearts fixed here in Vipingo and Bomani, Kenya. I have the privilege of seeing the 400 children that have been helped and changed through our congregation and leadership!

Just this week while in the village of Vipingo, I was hanging out with some youth for a bible study that we just started. One of the teens (13 or 14 yrs old) had her two little sisters with her. Both of the little sisters are identical twins. One of them is in the picture on this email. They are just the cutest little girls. One of them came up to me and took my hand, then sat in my lap. I just wanted to squeeze her! My goodness! Both of these girls have a good chance to end up at the center in Vipingo in the kindergarten class next year. I’m so excited for that, because I think of where they live, how little they have and observe they are likely raised by their teen sister (who is in the bible study). I know that if they get a chance at the center in Vipingo, they will have a chance in life, in a way that would be nearly impossible if they can’t attend there. They will have Hope and the ability to reach their potential.

Prayer requests:

Please pray with me for the teens in Bible study. We are doing a study called ‘Experiencing God’ by Henry Blackaby. My prayer is their friendship with God will come to an entire new level and that they will learn what God’s will is. I also pray they can learn to live with purpose, passion for Him and direction. That they will know how to make wise decisions so they can have a wholesome life.

Please pray with me for the 1000 packets that Jim and Susie will send out with a newsletter, brochure and DVD. Pray that God uses them in a way that glorifies Him and reaches hearts to save His children.

Please thank Him with me for the resources He provided to make it possible to do the DVD, make the brochures, newsletters, online database, etc.
I’ve been amazed at how God has provided all the tools I’ve needed to work on all these projects (It’s been a common theme in my walk with Him). To start with, while I was in the states, I did not have a computer or a printer; however, a dear friend purchased one for me. That is what I am using today! Another friend kindly put a program on my computer that I NEED to be able to make brochures and newsletters. And right before I started the DVD project, a Kenyan friend, put a program on my computer that allows me to compose videos. Also, while I was traveling with Bobby and Lisa, they introduced me to a Christian song artist named Jennifer Shaw. She kindly donated her song in support of the ministry here. That is the song on the DVD. A friend here created a database system for us that is exactly customized to the needs of a current project. Prior to coming to Kenya, my friend, helped prepare me with a mission and vision for my time here. All of these and very many more are the amazing things that God positioned in my life and brought together that lead up to today. God is a great composer! He always brings us what we need. And I can never stop thanking Him and all of you for the help!

Treasuring your prayers,
Kristen Missiaen

Enjoy the DVD on you tube!

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