Friday, June 4, 2010

Surprised? To say the least!

It was during my travels in the states with Bobby and Lisa Bechtel that I started to pursue the thought of going back to Kenya. There were a couple things that I did not know how would work out. When I returned from the travels, I wondered how I would find temporary employment and how I would raise enough funds. Well, as usual, God had some things in store…

I posted a note on fb stating that I was looking for temporary employment. With the job market these days, it seemed unlikely to find a job on such short notice and for such a short time (not knowing exactly when I was leaving for Kenya). However, my friend Liz that went to Kenya with me in 2009 saw my posting. She is the EVP of the BBB. We talked and she hired me on until I go to Kenya! I’ve been thanking God ever since! In addition to that, I live with my brother who is very generous. He has not allowed me to pay him for living there, which has helped tremendously! Both of these things combine have helped me be able to prepare for Kenya with much less stress.

Before I started fundraising, I was challenged with a couple things. One of them was fear or doubt that it would not work out. Another was pride, because it’s difficult to ask for help. In the midst of these challenges, my heart to serve God in Kenya stayed strong and outweighed any other thoughts. God has given me the opportunity to experience interdependence at its best. The truth is, every person who has taken part of encouraging, praying, financially supporting and believing in this mission to serve God in Kenya is AS MUCH of a part of this as I am. It’s only possible because God’s provision through all these things combine and each person who has let God use them to bless this ministry in any way.

A couple months ago, I started raising funds for my trip to Kenya by doing presentations, sending out letters, networking, etc. Since then, I have been shocked, amazed, moved and inspired! We serve a Generous, AMAZING, Incomprehensible God! I’ve had the opportunity to see Him work in so many ways through people and circumstances in this process. The generosity of everyone is tremendous! The connections that have been made and the relationships that have been strengthened has made me so HAPPY! I’m very excited to share that I’m getting closer to being fully funded for this trip. To think, that this started only a short time ago… leaves me saying, WOW, I serve an awesome GOD!!!

Looking back and seeing how all these things have fallen into place increases my faith in a big way. He is a provider.

THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who has been a part of this... BLESSINGS to YOU!!!!!

I leave July 8th...

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