Monday, May 3, 2010

Going back to Kenya ~ Fundraising!!

† Dear friends,

I would like to share my journey into missions with you.

In 2008, I found myself immensely heartbroken as I saw firsthand the spiritual devastation and poverty stricken children living in Kenya. With less than 2 weeks in Kenya, God transformed my thinking and placed a solid passion inside me to serve these problems in any capacity I could.

I am planning to return to Kenya to serve the passion God has placed inside me with missionaries that are well established in Kenya through the BBFI. Currently there is a need to raise more financial support for three of five centers that were started through the missionary families and MANNA Worldwide. The centers provide food, water, Christian education and a church for hundreds of children. My goal while in Kenya is to organize and develop a sponsorship program which can bring consistent support for these centers. By creating an organized sponsorship program and a well thought-out correspondence plan, financial goals can be met, maintained and exceeded.

In addition to these tasks, I will be a communication tool for Fox River Christian Church, my sending church, to centers they have successfully started in Kenya. I will keep supporters informed of how much their support is helping and will be updating a website that holds information of the centers.

These are just a couple of the projects I will be working on.

I see the incalculable value that each center holds. During my last trip in Kenya, I interviewed parents and staff members. I’ve witnessed firsthand the life transformation each child has due to the existence of these centers. Most children become saved through this program and have experienced tremendous advances not only spiritually, but also academically and physically. The spiritual knowledge each child gains has immensely changed their character for the better. Their behavioral changes are so apparent that they offer a witness to the community and in turn bring many individuals from the surrounding village to Christ. Their dire physical needs are met through well balanced meals, water and a degree of medical care. Ultimately, they are given Hope; where without help, they have no hope for this life or the next!

I am confident that if this is part of God’s plan for the children in Kenya and for my life right now then He will provide the support needed in order for these projects to move forward. As I raise support for this cause, I would ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with me in this ministry. In order to pursue this work I need to raise support for a plane ticket, graphic design program (for communication projects ~ web / newsletters, etc.) and monthly support for health insurance, malaria medication, rent, food, transportation, ministry funds, etc. Missionaries are funded by churches and individuals. My hope is that this does not feel like an obligation; but an opportunity to join in ministry with me, only if you feel led to.

If you would like to know more details of my work in Kenya, let’s chat!

All donations are tax deductable. Checks can be made out to MANNA Worldwide. Or, all donations can be made online as an automatic withdrawal or a onetime gift at: Please specify on the check or online gift that the donation is for Kristen Missiaen's mission trip.